Source code for owtf.proxy.tor_manager

TOR manager module developed by Marios Kourtesis <>
import logging
import socket
import time
from multiprocessing import Process

from owtf.utils.error import abort_framework

[docs]class TOR_manager(object): # Initialization of arguments and connections def __init__(self, args): # If the args are empty it will filled with the default values if args[0] == "": self.ip = "" else: self.ip = args[0] if args[1] == "": self.port = 9050 else: try: self.port = int(args[1]) except ValueError: abort_framework("Invalid TOR port") if args[2] == "": self.tor_control_port = 9051 else: try: self.tor_control_port = int(args[2]) except ValueError: abort_framework("Invalid TOR Controlport") if args[3] == "": self.password = "owtf" else: self.password = args[3] if args[4] == "": self.time = 5 else: try: self.time = int(args[4]) except ValueError: abort_framework("Invalid TOR Time") if self.time < 1: abort_framework("Invalid TOR Time") self.tor_conn = self.open_connection() self.authenticate()
[docs] def authenticate(self): """This function is handling the authentication process to TOR control connection. :return: :rtype: """ self.tor_conn.send('AUTHENTICATE "%s"\r\n' % self.password) response = self.tor_conn.recv(1024) if response.startswith("250"): # 250 is the success response"Successfully Authenticated to TOR control") else: abort_framework("Authentication Error : %s" % response)
[docs] def open_connection(self): """Opens a new connection to TOR control :return: :rtype: """ try: s = socket.socket() s.connect((self.ip, self.tor_control_port))"Connected to TOR control") return s except Exception as error: abort_framework("Can't connect to the TOR daemon : %s" % str(error))
[docs] def run(self): """Starts a new TOR_control_process which will renew the IP address. :return: :rtype: """ tor_ctrl_proc = Process(target=self.tor_control_process, args=(self,)) tor_ctrl_proc.start() return tor_ctrl_proc
# Checks if TOR is running
[docs] @staticmethod def is_tor_running(): """Check if tor is running :return: True if running, else False :rtype: `bool` """ output = commands.getoutput('ps -A|grep -a " tor$"|wc -l') if output == "1": return True elif output == "0": return False
[docs] @staticmethod def msg_start_tor(self):"Error : TOR daemon is not running (Tips: service tor start)")
# TOR configuration Info
[docs] @staticmethod def msg_configure_tor(): """ 1)Open torrc file usually located at '/etc/tor/torrc' if you can't find torrc file visit 2)Enable the TOR control port by uncommenting(removing the hash(#) symbol) or adding the following line should look like this "ControlPort 9051". 3)Generate a new hashed password by running the following command "tor --hash-password 'your_password' 4)Uncomment "HashedControlPassword" and add the previously generated hash should look like the following but with you hash HashedControlPassword 16:52B319480CED2E0860BAEA7565ECCF628A59FEE59B6E0592CD3F01C710 Recommended Setting: ControlPort 9051 HashedControlPassword 16:52B319480CED2E0860BAEA7565ECCF628A59FEE59B6E0592CD3F01C710 The above hashed password is 'owtf' Advantages of recommended settings You can run owtf TOR mode without specifying the options ex. ./ -o OWTF-WVS-001 --tor :::: which is the same with """ )
[docs] def renew_ip(self): """Sends an NEWNYM message to TOR control in order to renew the IP address :return: True if IP is renewed, else False :rtype: `bool` """ self.tor_conn.send("signal NEWNYM\r\n") response = self.tor_conn.recv(1024) if response.startswith("250"):"TOR : IP renewed") return True else:"[TOR]Warning: IP can't renewed") return False
[docs] def tor_control_process(self): """This will run in a new process in order to renew the IP address after certain time. :return: None :rtype: None """ while True: while self.renew_ip() is True: time.sleep(self.time * 60) # time converted in minutes else: time.sleep(10) # will try again to renew IP in 10 seconds