Source code for owtf.api.handlers.base


import json

from tornado.escape import url_escape
from tornado.web import RequestHandler

from owtf.lib.exceptions import APIError
from owtf.settings import SERVER_PORT, FILE_SERVER_PORT

__all__ = ['APIRequestHandler', 'FileRedirectHandler', 'UIRequestHandler']

[docs]class APIRequestHandler(RequestHandler):
[docs] def initialize(self): """ - Set Content-type for JSON """ self.session = self.application.session self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
[docs] def write(self, chunk): if isinstance(chunk, list): super(APIRequestHandler, self).write(json.dumps(chunk)) else: super(APIRequestHandler, self).write(chunk)
[docs] def success(self, data): """When an API call is successful, the JSend object is used as a simple envelope for the results, using the data key. :type data: A JSON-serializable object :param data: Acts as the wrapper for any data returned by the API call. If the call returns no data, data should be set to null. """ self.write({'status': 'success', 'data': data}) self.finish()
[docs] def fail(self, data): """There was a problem with the data submitted, or some pre-condition of the API call wasn't satisfied. :type data: A JSON-serializable object :param data: Provides the wrapper for the details of why the request failed. If the reasons for failure correspond to POST values, the response object's keys SHOULD correspond to those POST values. """ self.write({'status': 'fail', 'data': data}) self.finish()
[docs] def error(self, message, data=None, code=None): """An error occurred in processing the request, i.e. an exception was thrown. :type data: A JSON-serializable object :param data: A generic container for any other information about the error, i.e. the conditions that caused the error, stack traces, etc. :type message: A JSON-serializable object :param message: A meaningful, end-user-readable (or at the least log-worthy) message, explaining what went wrong :type code: int :param code: A numeric code corresponding to the error, if applicable """ result = {'status': 'error', 'message': message} if data: result['data'] = data if code: result['code'] = code self.write(result) self.finish()
[docs] def write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs): """Override of RequestHandler.write_error Calls ``error()`` or ``fail()`` from JSendMixin depending on which exception was raised with provided reason and status code. :type status_code: int :param status_code: HTTP status code """ def get_exc_message(exception): return exception.log_message if \ hasattr(exception, "log_message") else str(exception) self.clear() self.set_status(status_code) # Any APIError exceptions raised will result in a JSend fail written # back with the log_message as data. Hence, log_message should NEVER # expose internals. Since log_message is proprietary to HTTPError # class exceptions, all exceptions without it will return their # __str__ representation. # All other exceptions result in a JSend error being written back, # with log_message only written if debug mode is enabled exception = kwargs["exc_info"][1] if any(isinstance(exception, c) for c in [APIError]): else: self.error( message=self._reason, data=get_exc_message(exception) if self.settings.get("debug") else None, code=status_code)
[docs]class UIRequestHandler(RequestHandler):
[docs] def reverse_url(self, name, *args): url = super(UIRequestHandler, self).reverse_url(name, *args) url = url.replace('?', '') return url.split('None')[0]
[docs]class FileRedirectHandler(RequestHandler): SUPPORTED_METHODS = ['GET']
[docs] def get(self, file_url): output_files_server = "{}://{}/".format(self.request.protocol,, str(FILE_SERVER_PORT))) redirect_file_url = output_files_server + url_escape(file_url, plus=False) self.redirect(redirect_file_url, permanent=True)