Source code for owtf.utils.strings


import base64
import binascii
import logging
import os
import re
from collections import defaultdict
import six

from owtf.settings import REPLACEMENT_DELIMITER

search_regex = re.compile("{!s}([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*?){!s}".format(REPLACEMENT_DELIMITER, REPLACEMENT_DELIMITER))

[docs]def utf8(string): if isinstance(string, six.string_types): return string.encode("utf8") return string
[docs]def to_str(byte): if isinstance(byte, bytes): return byte.decode("utf-8", "ignore") return byte
[docs]def str2bool(string): """ Converts a string to a boolean :param string: String to convert :type string: `str` :return: Boolean equivalent :rtype: `bool` """ return not (string in ["False", "false", 0, "0"])
[docs]def multi_replace(text, replace_dict): """Recursive multiple replacement function :param text: Text to replace :type text: `str` :param replace_dict: The parameter dict to be replaced with :type replace_dict: `dict` :return: The modified text after replacement :rtype: `str` """ new_text = text for key in search_regex.findall(new_text): # Check if key exists in the replace dict ;) if replace_dict.get(key, None): # A recursive call to remove all level occurrences of place # holders. new_text = new_text.replace( REPLACEMENT_DELIMITER + key + REPLACEMENT_DELIMITER, multi_replace(replace_dict[key], replace_dict) ) new_text = os.path.expanduser(new_text) return new_text
[docs]def get_as_list(key_list): """Get values for keys in a list :param key_list: List of keys :type key_list: `list` :return: List of corresponding values :rtype: `list` """ from owtf.config import config_handler value_list = [] for key in key_list: value_list.append(config_handler.get_val(key)) return value_list
[docs]def get_header_list(key): """Get list from a string of values for a key :param key: Key :type key: `str` :return: List of values :rtype: `list` """ from owtf.config import config_handler return config_handler.get_val(key).split(",")
[docs]def pad_key(key): """Add delimiters. :param key: Key to pad :type key: `str` :return: Padded key string :rtype: `str` """ return REPLACEMENT_DELIMITER + key + REPLACEMENT_DELIMITER
[docs]def strip_key(key): """Replaces key with empty space :param key: Key to clear :type key: `str` :return: Empty key :rtype: `str` """ return key.replace(REPLACEMENT_DELIMITER, "")
[docs]def multi_replace_dict(text, replace_dict): """Perform multiple replacements in one go using the replace dictionary in format: { 'search' : 'replace' } :param text: Text to replace :type text: `str` :param replace_dict: The replacement strings in a dict :type replace_dict: `dict` :return: `str` :rtype: """ new_text = text for search, replace in list(replace_dict.items()): new_text = new_text.replace(search, str(replace)) return new_text
[docs]def wipe_bad_chars(filename): """The function wipes bad characters from name of output file :param filename: The file name to scrub :type filename: `str` :return: New replaced file filename :rtype: `str` """ return multi_replace(filename, {"(": "", " ": "_", ")": "", "/": "_"})
[docs]def remove_blanks_list(src): """Removes empty elements from the list :param src: List :type src: `list` :return: New list without blanks :rtype: `list` """ return [el for el in src if el]
[docs]def list_to_dict_keys(list): """Convert a list to dict with keys from list items :param list: list to convert :type list: `list` :return: The newly formed dictionary :rtype: `dict` """ dictionary = defaultdict(list) for item in list: dictionary[item] = "" return dictionary
[docs]def add_to_dict(from_dict, to_dict): """Add the items from dict a with copy attribute to dict b :param from_dict: Dict to copy from :type from_dict: `dict` :param to_dict: Dict to copy to :type to_dict: `dict` :return: None :rtype: None """ for k, v in list(from_dict.items()): if hasattr(v, "copy") and callable(getattr(v, "copy")): to_dict[k] = v.copy() else: to_dict[k] = v
[docs]def merge_dicts(a, b): """Returns a by-value copy contained the merged content of the 2 passed dictionaries :param a: Dict a :type a: `dict` :param b: Dict b :type b: `dict` :return: New merge dict :rtype: `dict` """ new_dict = defaultdict(list) add_to_dict(a, new_dict) add_to_dict(b, new_dict) return new_dict
[docs]def truncate_lines(str, num_lines, eol="\n"): """Truncate and remove EOL characters :param str: String to truncate :type str: `str` :param num_lines: Number of lines to process :type num_lines: `int` :param EOL: EOL char :type EOL: `char` :return: Joined string after truncation :rtype: `str` """ return eol.join(str.split(eol)[0:num_lines])
[docs]def get_random_str(len): """Function returns random strings of length len :param len: Length :type len: `int` :return: Random generated string :rtype: `str` """ return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(len))[0:len]
[docs]def gen_secure_random_str(): return binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(32))
[docs]def scrub_output(output): """Remove all ANSI control sequences from the output :param output: Output to scrub :type output: `str` :return: Scrubbed output :rtype: `str` """ ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1b[^m]*m") return ansi_escape.sub("", output)
[docs]def paths_exist(path_list): """Check if paths in the list exist :param path_list: The list of paths to check :type path_list: `list` :return: True if valid paths, else False :rtype: `bool` """ valid = True for path in path_list: if path and not os.path.exists(path): logging.log("WARNING: The path %s does not exist!", path) valid = False return valid
[docs]def is_convertable(value, conv): """Convert a value :param value: :type value: :param conv: :type conv: :return: :rtype: """ try: return conv(value) except ValueError: return None
[docs]def str_to_dict(string): """Convert a string to a dict :param string: String to convert :type string: `str` :return: Resultant dict :rtype: `dict` """ dict = defaultdict(list) count = 0 prev_item = "" for item in string.strip().split("="): if count % 2 == 1: # Key. dict[prev_item] = item else: # Value. dict[item] = "" prev_item = item count += 1 return dict